Full Circle SUCCESSion

The Full Circle SUCCESSion Planning Program is a unique business growth framework that helps thriving practice owners, doctors thinking about retirement, and doctors who want to leave a true legacy to keep growing beyond their own capabilities in 90 days without wasting tons of time, stressing about retirement, or trusting slick sales people so they can build a legendary practice that helps people for generations to come.

Watch the video to see how we are fundamentally redefining success for today's Chiropractic clinic owners.

Taking My First Vacation AND Raising My Fees With Confidence

"It is because of Full Circle that I was able to attract an amazing doctor into my life and practice so that I can take a real vacation. For the first time in my career, I feel confident stepping away from my practice for a while so I can relax. Full Circle and the Succession Planning Program helped me every step of the way with her, from recruitment to contracts to training.

Also, I am predicting a very successful financial year! In the last month, the coaches have helped me have the confidence to do a fee increase, and to go into contract negotiations with my RMT and physio.

I'm not sure I would have done these things, or at least as effectively, if it wasn't for my coaching support. "

I have designed the Chiropractic Succession Plan Program to honor your incredible contribution to your community and provide an opportunity for you to capitalize on the years of blood, sweat and tears you have put into your practice.

Knowing when it is time to begin transitioning your practice to a new leader is difficult. Doing it effectively is nearly impossible if you don’t have a plan in place. That’s where I come in.

In the first phase, we focus on creating a PLAN.

  • We focus on TIME VALUE to help you free yourself up to focus on the future.

  • Together, we dive into what makes for a positive QUALITY OF LIFE so that you have a healthy understanding of "working to live, not living to work".

  • Then, we complete a FINANCIAL REVIEW where we work with real numbers to make a real plan for generational wealth.

In the second phase, we focus on the PREP.

  • We evaluate SCALE SCENARIOS so you know what it takes to achieve your outcomes.

  • With our EMOTIONALLY LETTING GO process, we acknowledge that your practice is like one of your children. You envisioned it, birthed it, raised it and now it is time to let it go. It is harder than you think (I can say that from personal experience) so it is wise to be prepared.

  • Then, we work through TEAM TALK. How do you tell your team? When do you tell your team? What are the emotional and financial considerations?

In the third phase, we PROCEED with the plan.

  • When it's time, we talk about PASSING THE TORCH. Whom do you pass to? Where do you find them? How do you know they are the right person? When do you pass the torch? Do you do it in one outright sale or is it better to do it over time in a scaled buy in?

  • We help you understand the value of WORKING ON THE BUSINESS NOT JUST IN IT - If you bring on the new torchbearer in a scaled way what is your role? What outcomes do you need to achieve to continue to add value to the business if you are no longer working as much in the business?

  • Finally, we discuss WHAT IS YOUR BUSINESS WORTH? How much can you sell your practice for? How long does it take? Should you count on that money being part of your retirement plan? What are the tax implications of the sale?

These are just a few of the many factors and considerations that you should be aware of when you are considering designing a succession plan. Since most of us will only do this once in our lives, we have no frame of reference for how to go about it.

I designed the Chiropractic Succession Plan Program to help docs just like you explore the answers to all of these questions and determine what answer is best for you, based on your unique situation.

It is an all inclusive program that will take place over the course of several months. It will be shared in a small intimate group format via Zoom where the materials will be fully explained and you will have questionnaires and modules to work through as homework to customize the program to your individual needs. There will be time on each call for Q&A and/or your questions can be answered via email or text message.

Our Next Small Group is Now Forming! We Start on April 11th, 2023

Ready to see if this fits for you?